It starts with intention

To grow plants and leave the land better than I found it.

The term no-till means different things to different growers. I think minimal tillage best describes my approach, but the goal is the same. Disturb the ground as little as possible, and keep plants covering the ground so that the soil biology maintains balance. My soil is not in balance, its just dirt. My goal is to turn that dirt into healthy soil, one plant at a time. While I am not currently certified organic, I use organic management techniques and inputs. I do not use synthetic herbicides, pesticides, or fertilizers.

Weeds are removed or prevented mechanically by smothering, flaming, hoeing, or old fashioned hand pulling rather than herbicides.

Pest management is handled preventatively whenever possible by using companion crops as habitat for healthy predator insects, and fabric barriers.

Compost, and organic fertilizers are utilized for improving soil and plant health, as well as the use of companion and cover crops.